@ARTICLE{Majewski_Wojciech_Monothalamous_2005, author={Majewski, Wojciech and Pawłowski, Jan and Zajączkowski, Marek}, volume={vol. 26}, number={No 4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={269-285}, howpublished={online}, year={2005}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={During the 2004 summer season, 14 sediment samples were collected in Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden, West Spitsbergen, from 6 down to 345 m water-depth (mwd). The samples yielded abundant assemblage of monothalamous foraminifera, belonging to almost 40 morphotypes. Our qualitative (>125 um) and quantitative data (125-500 um) allowed to distinguish three water-depth related assemblages in both Kongsfjorden and Adventfjorden (branch of Isfjorden), indicating that soft-walled monothalamous foraminifera show similar habitat gradation along fjord axis as calcareous and robust agglutinated taxa. Among the monothalamous foraminifera, the subtidal assemblage (6 mwd) was dominated by various unidentified allogromiids. The second, shallow-water assemblage (44-110 mwd) was dominated by Psammophaga sp. 1-3, Hippocrepinella crassa, Hippocrepinella cf. hirudinea, and large Gloiogullmia sp. 2. The deep-water (150-345 mwd) monothalamous assemblage was dominated by Psammophaga sp. 4, pear-shaped Hippocrepina sp., Hippocrepina indivisa, and long Cylindrogullmia sp. 2, as well as large agglutinated species Hyperammina subnodosa with attached Tholosina bulla, Hyperammina fragilis and Lagenammina sp.}, type={Article}, title={Monothalamous foraminifera from West Spitsbergen fjords, Svalbard: a brief overview}, URL={http://www.journals.pan.pl/Content/110640/PDF/ppr26-269.pdf}, keywords={Arctic, Spitsbergen, Foraminifera, Recent}, }