@ARTICLE{Krawczyk_Adam_Data_1995, author={Krawczyk, Adam}, volume={vol. 16}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={281-288}, howpublished={online}, year={1995}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Topography and toponymies of Dunöyane were discussed in brief. The location of Lammas Islands was considered. The author recognized it as a trace of discovery of Dunöyane by Hudson in 1607. Historical data on human activity in this region was presented with a closer look at the murder of 10 Russians in 1819 and at Norwegian economic exploitation in the 19th and 20th centuries.}, type={Article}, title={Data for the history of the Dunöyane, Spitsbergen}, URL={http://www.journals.pan.pl/Content/111007/PDF-MASTER/1995-3-4_281-288.pdf}, keywords={Arctic, Spitsbergen, history, toponymy}, }