@ARTICLE{Zaufał_Teresa_Phytoecological_2004, author={Zaufał, Teresa and Babczyńska-Sendek, Beata}, volume={vol. 30}, number={No 1}, pages={143-147}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2004}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Euphorbia epithymoides L. population has been the object of research both of the geobotanists as well as the ecologists for the last few year. The purpose of the research is efficient protection of this rare species occupying the scattered stations on Silcsian Upland. Euphorbia epithymoides L. population on the plot in Dąbrowa Górnicza - Sikorka occupies three characteristic habitat types, signed in the study as: I - pits of dump, 11 - flat plots, Ill - larch canopy. Greatest density of individuals occures under larch canopy. However the relation of blooming individuals to barren individuals is more profitable on the flat plot. TI1e spatial structure of investigated population is cluster - random, which is a typical phenomena for the plants with vegetative reproduction. The results we have obtained so far have shown that there arc many blooming individuals on the selected areas, although reproduction of this population occurs by vegetation. The small growth of numerical force of the euphorbia population proves that this species is endangered.}, type={Komunikat}, title={Phytoecological Investigations of Euphorbia Epithymoides L. Population in Dąbrowa Górnicza-Sikorka}, URL={http://www.journals.pan.pl/Content/123504/PDF/14_AE_VOL_30_1_2004_Zaufal_Fitoekologiczne.pdf}, keywords={Euphorbia epithymoides L, population, numerical force, density}, }