@ARTICLE{Canteros_Maria_Laura_Study_2022, author={Canteros, Maria Laura and Polansky, Jiri}, volume={vol. 43}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Thermodynamics}, pages={17-36}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={The Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Energy management plays a crucial role in cabin comfort as well as enormously affects the driving range. In this paper energy balances contemplating the implementation of a heat pump and an expansion device in battery electric vehicles are elaborated, by comparing the performances of refrigerants R1234yf and R744, from –20°C to 20°C. This work calculates the coefficient of performance, energy requirements for ventilation (from 1 to 5 people in the cabin) and energy required with the implementation of a heat pump, with the employment of a code in Python with the aid of Cool- Prop library. The work ratio is also estimated if the work recovery device recuperates the work during the expansion. Comments on the feasibility of the implementation are as well explicated. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of an expansion device in an heat pump may cover the energy requirement of the compressor from 27% to more than 35% at 20°C in cycles operating with R744, and from 15% to more than 20% with refrigerant R1234yf, considering different compressor efficiencies. At –20°C, it would be possible to recuperate between around 30 and 24%. However, the risk of suction when operating with R1234yf at ambient temperatures below –10°C shows that the heat pump can only operate with R744. Thus, it is the only refrigerant that achieves the reduction of energy consumption at these temperatures.}, type={Article}, title={Study of the heat pump for a passenger electric vehicle based on refrigerant R744}, URL={http://www.journals.pan.pl/Content/123864/PDF/art02_int.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ather.2022.141976}, keywords={R744 (CO2), Heat pump, Battery electric vehicle, Thermal comfort}, }