@ARTICLE{PiÄ…tkowski_Tomasz_Sorting_2002, author={PiÄ…tkowski, Tomasz and Sempruch, Janusz}, volume={vol. 49}, number={No 1}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, pages={23-46}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, abstract={The authors present a proposal for modelling the process of scraping of load units (packages) from sorting belt conveyors with the use of deflection scrapers. The continuous scraping process was subjected to discretisation. Characteristic stages of the process were distinguished, such that determine different kinematics-dynamic properties of the load. The created model makes it possible to test the scraping process, and to optimise it.}, type={Article}, title={Sorting process of load units - dynamic model of scraping process}, URL={http://www.journals.pan.pl/Content/125100/PDF/4_MECHANICAL_49_2002_1_Piatkowski_Sorting.pdf}, keywords={scraping process, scraper's arm, modelling}, }