@ARTICLE{Mikulicz_Monika_Development_2024, author={Mikulicz, Monika and Badura, Mikołaj and Rygała, Michał and Smołka, Tristan and Macherzyński, Wojciech and Łozińska, Adriana and Motyka, Marcin}, volume={32}, number={1}, journal={Opto-Electronics Review}, pages={e149168}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences (under the auspices of the Committee on Electronics and Telecommunication) and Association of Polish Electrical Engineers in cooperation with Military University of Technology}, abstract={In this study, an analysis of the optical performance of two types of distributed Bragg reflector structures based on GaAs and InP material systems was carried out. The structures were designed for maximum performance at 4 µm with their reflectivity achieving between 80 and 90% with eight pairs of constituent layers. To further enhance the performance of these structures, additional Au layers were added at the bottom of the structure with Ti pre-coating applied to improve the adhesivity of the Au to the semiconductor substrate. The optimal range of Ti layer thickness resulting in the improvement of the maximum reflectivity was determined to be in between 5 and 15 nm.}, type={Article}, title={Development of the hybrid distributed Bragg reflectors for mid-infrared applications}, URL={http://www.journals.pan.pl/Content/130029/PDF-MASTER/OPELRE_2024_32_1_M_Mikulicz.pdf}, doi={10.24425/opelre.2024.149168}, keywords={distributed Bragg reflector, mid-infrared, meatal coating, InP, GaAs, FTIR}, }