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The author states that a “biography” of a language presents de facto its capability to adapt to natural and/or man‑made changes in the environment of the community speaking the language in question.
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Zuzanna Topolińska

  1. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts–MANU, Research Center for Areal Linguistics „Božidar Vidoeski”, Skopje, North Macedonia
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The object of analysis in the paper is semantic extension of a lexical unit. In order to approach it, the author chooses one of the cognitive linguistics theories – Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 1987; 1990; 2000a; 2000b; 2008, etc.). Two of the issues of semantic extension are emphasised. First, it is the grounding of semantic extension in the encyclopaedic knowledge shared by the interlocutors and second, the emergence of the schema implied by the relation of extension. The paper begins with an outline of the postulates of Cognitive Grammar, which are subsequently applied to an analysis of the French lexical unit corps [body], whose extended senses are found in the domain of the structure of musical instruments. In the conclusion the author discusses the dimensions of complexity of the process of semantic extension, one of which is a chain of relations based on metonymy and metaphor.
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Barbara Taraszka-Drożdż
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The review covers Ruselina Nicolova’s The Bulgarian Grammar. This is a revised version of Bǔlgarska gramatika. Morfologiia (Sofiia 2008) edited in English by Frank & Timme (Berlin 2017). This outstanding achievement is appraised highly by the review author. The review compares the new work with an earlier academic morphology of Bulgarian (Gramatika na sǔvremenniia bǔlgarski knižoven ezik, t. 2: Morfologiia, Sofiia 1983). It concludes that the Grammar of R. Nicolova makes important progress in semantically and functionally oriented type of Bulgarian linguistic description as well as that publication of this study translated to English is important because it provides a widened reception of the work.

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Małgorzata Korytkowska
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Notes about a handbook of Italian grammar by a Croatian philologist Dragutin Antun Parčić – A handbook of Italian grammar, written in Croatian by Croatian philologist Parčić, confirms that in the past educated Croatian-speaking people were bilingual and at the same time it proves that lower classes aimed to study Italian as well. The paper analyses the functionality and appropriateness of topics presented in the Parčić manuscript because it is obvious that the author was keen to help his Croatian-speaking students in the acquisition of Italian.

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Vesna Deželjin
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Traces of the idea of verbal valency structure in nineteenth-century grammars – This paper aims to show how K.F. Beckers’s notion of “subjektive” and “objektive Verben” (i.e. those always used with an “ergänzende Objekt”, a ‘completive object’) is a rough forerunner to the modern idea of dependency grammar. In Italy, this theoretical core was assumed by Raffaello Lambruschini in 1840 (and, after him, by the basic school grammar La grammatica del mio Felicino written by Ulisse Poggi, 1865, 18722), but with a huge trivialisation: subjective verbs were identified with intransitive verbs and objective verbs with transitive ones.

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Roberta Cella
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In this article, we attempt to examine how the issue of double‑auxiliary verbs, that is, verbs that can be conjugated – in compound tenses – with both avere and essere as auxiliaries, are presented in Italian grammar books for foreign language learners. We will focus in particular on 1) verbs that can be both transitive and intransitive (e.g., ho cominciato un nuovo lavoro vs le vacanze sono cominciate); 2) verbs expressing atmospheric phenomenon ( ha/è nevicato); 3) verbs of movement (e.g., sono volato a Roma vs ho volato diverse volte); 4) verbs that use two auxiliaries indifferently (e.g., ha/è assomigliato); and 5) verbs that change meaning depending on the auxiliary verb used in the compound tense (e.g., ho calzato gli sci vs è calzato a pennello). Our analysis is carried out on 19 grammar textbooks for Italian language referring to the CEFR, highlighting some weaknesses regarding the presentation of the rules for double‑auxiliary verbs, such as the total omission of this issue, a certain selectivity and/or disorder, as well as terminological inconsistencies. In our conclusions, we propose some solutions that may help to systematize the rules regarding double‑auxiliary verbs in Italian.
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1. BONFATTI SABBIONI, M. T. (2013): “Un approccio linguistico all’insegnamento dell’Italiano come lingua seconda”, Italica, 90/1, 95–116.
2. BOZZO, D. (2018): “Essere o avere? La selezione dell’ausiliare tra teoria e didattica nell’insegnamento dell’italiano a stranieri”, Italica Wratislaviensia, 9/2, 55–80. DOI: http://
3. FERRARI, A./ ZAMPESE, L. (2016): Grammatica: parole, frasi, testi dell’italiano, Carocci, Roma.
4. IVANOVSKA-NASKOVA, R. (2018): “L’insegnamento della grammatica dell’italiano LS attraverso corpora”, Italica Wratislaviensia, 9/1, 71–87. DOI:
5. KARCZEWSKA, M. (2015): “Auxiliary verbs in compound tenses in Italian and German: A comparative study”, Studia Linguistica, 34, 61–74.
6. KILGARRIFF, A./ BAISA, V. et al. (2014): “The Sketch Engine: ten years on”, Lexicography, 1, 7–36.
7. PAOLI, M. (2016): “Entrare, uscire, salire e scendere: transitivi a furor di popolo?”, disponibile on line: furor-di-popolo/1047.
8. ROCCHETTI A. (1987), “’Sono’ ou ‘Ho vissuto’? L’emploi des auxiliaires avec les verbes intransitifs”, Chroniques italiennes, 11/12 (3/4), 161–171.
9. SALVI, G. (2001): “La frase semplice”, in: RENZO, L./ SALVI, G./ CARDINALETTI, A. (a cura di): Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione. Vol. I. La Frase. I sintagmi nominale e preposizionale, il Mulino, Bologna, 37–127.
10. SALVI, G./ VANELLI, L. (2004): Nuova grammatica italiana, il Mulino, Bologna.
11. SANTI, M. (2006): “Inaccusatività (intransitività scissa)”, Quaderni del Laboratorio di Linguistica, 6, 1–15.
12. SATTA, L. S. (1981), La prima scienza. Grammatica italiana per il biennio delle scuole medie superiori, Messina‑Firenze, D’Anna.
13. SENSINI, M. (1997): La grammatica della lingua italiana, Mondadori, Milano.
14. TRIFONE, P./ PALERMO, M. (2007): Grammatica italiana di base, Bologna, Zanichelli.
15. ZAMBORLIN, C. (2005): “Essere o avere? Oltre le regole tradizionali per comprendere la selezione dell’ausiliare nel passato prossimo. Applicazione glottodidattica delle nozioni di ruolo semantico e di verbo inaccusativo”, in: Insegnare Italiano in Giappone, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Tokyo, 39–72.

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Anna Grochowska-Reiter
Daniel Słapek

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The present paper considers the novel O?on-o?ak bala sak ("Quite a Long Childhood" or "A Long, Long Childhood") by Mostay / Mostaj Karim or Mustay Karim, if transliterated from Russian (1919-2005), a prominent Bashkir writer, poet, publicist and playwright, whose contribution to the Bashkir literature has been honoured with the title of the People's Poet of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Apart from the fact that the work under consideration is within the scope of the author's current research, the reason for choosing exactly this piece of M. Karim's literary work is that it is perhaps the first and best known example of an autobiographic novel written in Bashkir. This fact in turn implies that this novel is a valuable object of linguistic and cultural research.

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Viacheslav Chernev
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Applying frame semantics, usage-based construction grammar, and quantitative corpus-based methodology, this article seeks to explore the nature of the extraposed construction with past participles complemented by that-clauses. To this end, the author extracts the occurrences of the It BE Ven that-construction from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), determines its structural, semantic, distributional, and discourse-functional features, and identifies verbs that are strongly associated with the construction in question. The study meaningfully contributes to a growing body of research on it-extraposition by conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of one of its variants, a grammatical pattern with past participles that has not been hitherto investigated in much detail from a quantitative corpus- based perspective.
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Jarosław Wiliński

  1. Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
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The article attempts to reach the elements that control the efforts of constituting a specific type of vision of the past, with which — as I believe — we are dealing in the contemporary public discourse about history.

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Marek Woźniak
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Neuter past tense forms in the first and second person singular like widziałom, widziałoś (as well as neuter indicative future tense forms like będę widziało, będziesz widziało and conditional forms like widziałobym, widziałobyś) occur in all main Slavic languages (so‑called macrolanguages) and in the so‑called Slavic literary microlanguages, but only as potential, rarely occurring albeit regularly derived forms. They were noted mainly in older grammar manuals. Some grammatical paradigms are incomplete because their authors listed only masculine forms. While they took the derivation of feminine forms for granted, it is not certain if they assumed that neuter forms in the first and second person singular existed. Engaging in researching the textual presence of these very rare linguistic forms in individual Slavic languages might be worthwhile. It appears that suitable computer software will allow searching existing textual corpora and provide relevant data on the linguistic forms discussed in this article.
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Tadeusz Lewaszkiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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Architecture created in Poland of 21st C. is somewhere a mode of selfpresentation, in another cases is a method of shouting down the others. It is also aomwhere talking without any thesis, instead with a large dose of a badly understood assertiveness. Whe should to built a clear architectural activity, more objectified, and tied with a contemporaneity. We should begin from the most basic rules, from the certain architectural grammar. The identity can be understood as a set of features, which e.g. let to distinguish architecture growing out in Poland, in contrary to architecture rooted somewhere elsewhere. Those are not always any formal features. In order to understand what a spirit of the place really is, e.g. in ancient Rome there was an idea of the watchman spirit. This spirit gives life to the people and to the places, accompany them since they a born until they are dead. It determines their character or the content.

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Ewa Kuryłowicz
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The article focuses on the translation of non-literary Chinese proper names, a subject which to date has not enjoyed much research interest as a result of the common belief that proper names are untranslatable. The article discusses techniques used in the translation of Chinese anthroponyms, toponyms and brand names into Polish and English. The author refers to the strategies used in the process of transferring names to the target language and presents the consequences of applying given techniques from the cognitive perspective, which entails analysing the names in terms of their structure and meaning. Particular attention is paid to the connotations of the names, the impact they have on the speakers of a given language, as well as the mental images that can be derived from their structure. In the contrastive analysis of the names of tourist locations in Beijing and their Polish and English equivalents, the author applies the cognitive grammar approach as developed by Ronald W. Langacker. The image schemas of the names are used to present the distinct conceptualizations embodied in the names with the same references in diff erent languages. One of the chapters describes how European names are adapted into Chinese. The study also provides an overview of the characteristics of the Chinese onomasticon, a factor which makes translation from Chinese to European languages particularly complicated. The observations made in the course of the analysis permit conclusions to be drawn on the linguistic worldview created by Polish, Chinese and English propria.

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Karolina Galewska
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In Memoriam Professor Włodzimierz Pianka, prominent linguist, distinguished scholar in Slavic, Macedonian and Sorbian languages and in onomastics (with particular focus on the Balkan area), expert in Slavic confrontative grammar, professor at the Universities of Warsaw and Vienna, honorary doctor at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, member of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The paper outlines and profiles the late Professor’s life and work as well as research interests along with selected publications.
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Ignacy M. Doliński

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa
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This article offers a new analysis of Ivan Harayda’s Grammar of the Ruthenian Language ( Hramatyka rus’koho yazyka”) (Uzhhorod 1941). In contrast to its program, the grammar paid little tribute to the “popular” language as such. As Harayda himself regarded his text as a “compromise between many contradictory opinions regarding our popular language” he included only a few “popular” elements. Most of them were part of the written heritage that united Transcarpathia with other parts of the Ukrainian language area, particularly Galicia. Harayda often failed to clarify what he regarded as standard features. He also explicitly excluded some local features from the standard. Harayda’s grammar can barely be regarded as a successful attempt at the codification of the “Rusyn” language in the modern understanding.
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Michael Moser
1 2

  1. Universität Wien
  2. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest
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This article analyses the history of researches on some aspects of the syntax of “small” numerals dva, tri, chetyre (two, three, four) undertaken in the 18th and 19th century Russian grammars. The main subject of the analysis is the views of the authors of these grammars regarding the syntactic structure of the combination of the above-named numerals with a noun. Particular attention is paid to the reasoning of the authors of the aforementioned grammars with reference to such combinations in which the numeral appears in the nominative/ accusative case. The nature of the relationship between the numeral in the nominative/ accusative and the noun was described by linguists in different ways. Furthermore, also the form of a noun in such a combination was interpreted in various ways. A widespread synchronous interpretation that the form of a noun which co-occurs with the numerals dva, tri, chetyre in the nominative or homonymous accusative is the singular genitive (dva stola – two tables), currently seen in both didactic and scientific modern linguistic studies, has been present in the literature since the 18th century. Nevertheless, in many works of the discussed period one can find completely different views on the problem (e.g. in the I. Ornatovsky’s or A. Vostokov’s grammars).

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Maksim Duszkin
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The acquisition of the definite article by LS/L2 Italian learners represents a very delicate issue, on the one hand, in relation to the mother tongue and other known languages and, on the other, to the range of uses of this part of the discussion (among others, cf. Chini 1995a; Pallotti 1998). The research is exploratory, and the results allow us to examine a sector of applied linguistics and language teaching that is still little investigated (Krámský 2016).
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Paolo Nitti

  1. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria

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