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In small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the ways of operating are dependent on the specific nature of their business activity, while management methods are often used intuitively. The paper shows that specialization, defined as offering products to companies from one or from two to four industries, is of great importance among SMEs in the gas sector. The analysis of the applied management methods allows us to conclude that the most important ones are those related to human capital.
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Daria Motała
Alexander Y. Bystryakov
Vladimir M. Pizengolts
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The present article relates to the subject of the relocation of buildings. It presents a historical background of operations of this type carried out in the past around the world, as well as in Poland. It goes on to discuss in more detail some pioneering structural and technological solutions used during the relocation of the Rogatka Grochowska (Grochowska tollgate) building, carried out in 1961 in Warsaw. The article’s main theme is the process of relocation of a historic building No. 15 within the old Norblin Factory in Warsaw, which took place during the final months of 2018. The article briefly presents the factory’s history. It also describes the assumptions of the related project, which covers the development of the old Norblin Factory. It discusses in detail the concept and the scope of the relocation of building No. 15, with the description of the structural and technical design related to this process. The progress of the relocation which took place in 2018 has been reported in detail.
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Paweł Grzegorz Kossakowski

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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This article aims to present the state of research on terminological density of specialized texts and its denotative dimension in the perspective of anthropocentric linguistics. First, the ontological status of denotative side of terminological density is defined. Next, the interdependence between denotative derivates of specialized knowledge and terminological density is presented, as well as the role of terminological density in determining the degree of text specialization.
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Anna Bajerowska

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The aim of the article is to describe the semantics and origin, noted in ethnographic works from Polesie, of the beekeeping terms pczòły pàszut, pasznià ‘to bear benefit (pożytek), to work about the bee’. On the basis of historical materials of East Slavic languages and previous etymological hypotheses, the article relates the meaning of the described terms to the verb pachać ‘to plow; to create, to work’, recognizing it as a semantic archaism. The work also verifies the origin of the form pasznia in Old Polish lexis, recognizing it as a Beloruthenism.
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Agata Kwaśnicka‑Janowicz

  1. Department of Language History and Dialectology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
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It was at the request of Blessed Queen Hedwig and her husband Jagiełło that on 11 January 1397 Pope Boniface IX signed a bull allowing foundation of the Faculty of Theology in Kraków. This very date begin a six hundred years’ period of the Faculty’s activities. Unfortunately in 1954 the Faculty of theology was removed by the unilateral edict of the communist Cabinet. This decision, however, did not cease the actual and canonical existence of the faculty. In 1959 the Apostolic

See issued a decree stating that the Faculty of Theology in accordance with its Founding Charter and character “remains under the supervision of one ecclesiastic authority and in the future is to be formed according to the laws passed by the Apostolic see”. In 1974 owing to the eff orts of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła the Faculty was bestowed the honourable title Pontifical.

A turning point in the history of the Faculty of Theology in Kraków came when on 8 December 1981 the Holy father issued a Motu proprio Beata Hedvigis in virtue of which the Pontifi cal Academy of Theology with three faculties: theology, philosophy and Church history was establish.

The aim of this Faculty of Theology is to provide versatile and systematic knowledge of God’s revelation, its sources, message and forms of transmission, the attitude of man towards God revealing himself to him and the many forms of this Revelation in various centuries and ways of Church life.

In studies leading to acquire Master’s degree, which lasts six years, there are mainly alumni preparing for priesthood coming from diocesan and religious seminaries as well as theological institutes affi liated with the Academy. Th ere are also theological studies for laity and nuns who have graduated from the Inter-Congregational Higher Education of Catechetic. The Faculty includes the following 32 chairs which are grouped in 8 specializations: biblical theology, fundamental theology, dogmatic theology, moral theology, theology of spirituality, practical theology, liturgy and canon law. Besides within the Faculty there are: Institute of Liturgy, Institute of Family and Institute of Canon Law. The Faculty has contracts with 15 seminaries for candidates for ordained ministry and 4 institutes of higher theological education which allow them to graduate their alumni.

After the removal from the University the Faculty has graduated 11 105 people (ordained and lay people) in the theology, it has also conferred 308 doctorate degrees in theology (DD) and 85 degrees of habilitation. In 2007 there was 1396 students.

The Faculty has the accreditation of University Accreditation Commission (UAC). The Faculty is also member of Conference of Catholic Theological Institutions (COCTI). It collaborates also wit different foreign faculties, especially within the LLP-Erasmus (the EU Programm).

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Ks. Janusz Mieczkowski
ks. Jan D. Szczurek
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The need to generate innovative solutions clearly is closely related with professional activities of special education teachers. The specificity of functioning of people with disabilities, unpredictability of actions and behaviours, developmental disharmoniousness imposes the searching and implementing of customized solutions, improvements and modifications to adjust the educational process to the needs and capabilities of this group of students. The presented beliefs have become the basis for research activities allowing to describe the innovativeness of special education teachers in their workplace. The main aim of this article is to attempt to determine the relationship between innovativeness in the workplace and locus of control in special education teachers group.

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Katarzyna Parys
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Searching and exploring the motives of continuing in the profession may be an important objective of efforts undertaken by researchers and people directly responsible for the organization and quality of work. Identifying the needs and expectations of the employee is an important element of her/his adaptation in the work environment. Because the age of life is one of the factors affecting the perception of the world and work, in this article motives of continuing professional activity in group of special educators are described in the age of life context.

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Sławomir Olszewski
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The aim of this article is to identify the role, that special residential law issued by the municipal executive authorities plays in the metropolises development. The article presents key urban and legal barriers related to the functioning of the spacial management system. The article ends with recommendations for further actions related to repair local spatial policy.

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Maciej J. Nowak
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The aim of the article is to present the role of tourism as a smart specialization, and in particular health tourism in strengthening regional development processes on the example of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. The first part of the article presents the ideas of smart specialization as a concept of stimulating innovative development with a particular focus on tourism in regional innovation strategies. The second part of the article focuses on the uniqueness of natural resources in the context of the spa tourism development potential in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. The third part presents quantitative data characterizing tourism in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. While the fourth part presents the effects of cooperation between entrepreneurs and expert and university employees who, while creating innovations, solve the problems of entrepreneurs, thus contributing to the development of tourism and the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. Finally, final conclusions and summary are presented.

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Adam Jarubas
Monika Knefel
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Wales is one from five selected European regions, which (looking at statistical analysis), develop in an extraordinary way in comparison to others. The purpose of the article is to identify factors which had an impact on the change of Wales’s development path as well as to indicate problems with which the region has still struggle. The article is based on a desk research, statistical data analysis as well as structured in-depth interviews conducted with representatives of regional authorities, scientifi c units and business-related institutions. Based on this, conclusions and recommendations for the institutions involved in implementation of regional policy in Polish voivodeships have been formulated.

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Aleksandra Kępczyńska
Klaudia Peszat
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The policy set by the European Commission for Programming Period 2014–2020 introduced new instruments supporting regional development but also posed new requirements that must be met by European regions. One of them is smart specialization. To implement Strategy for Europe 2020, published by the European Commission in 2010, EU Member States and their regions develop strategies for smart specialization that show directions for providing support to the strengthening of research, development and innovation. Smart specialization is an important instrument for strengthening of competitiveness as well as for defining and building the knowledge-based economy. This article presents analysis of processes responsible for identifying smart specialization in Pomeranian and West Pomeranian Regions (in Polish: Voivodeships). This analysis is a continuation and extension of the research on the process of emergence of smart specialization in Pomeranian Region by the inclusion of the West Pomeranian Region into this study. Both Regions are situated on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea and are seats of main Polish harbours and shipyards. Their regional capitals Gdańsk and Szczecin are the cores of emerging metropolitan areas. The aims of the article are: (1) assessment of methods of smart specialization emergence and selection; (2) analysis of differences and similarities of areas of smart specialization of two coastal regions. In Pomeranian region the process of emergence of smart specialization was a bottom-up one where the Regional Government organized the competition and invited actors to build partnerships. In other regions of Poland it was more of a top-down process, but with participation of stakeholders. The West Pomeranian Region is an example of this approach. Methods of the research applied for this study include: analysis of literature, documents from Voivodeship Marshal Offices, individual interviews, participation in the process of emerging of smart specialization in Pomeranian Voivodeship and comparative analysis of the methods of their emergence in both regions.

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Jacek Sołtys
Dorota Kamrowska-Załuska
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This article is confrontational with the theses presented in the paper: O pewnym (chybionym) studium przypadku [About a (wrong) case study ] (Chybińska 2017), which is the answer to the issues presented in the article: Etyka w przekładzie specjalistycznym a kompetencje tłumacza tekstów specjalistycznych — studium przypadku [Ethics in specialized translation and competence of specialist translator: case study] (Boroch 2017). In this article (Boroch 2017), the methodological principles in the specialist translation and the substantive and ethical consequences of their violation have been presented. Exemplary material was the Polish translation of Henryk Hiż's article: Peirce's Influence on Logic in Poland (Hiż 1997, 264–270) published in ”Studia z Filozofii Polskiej” in 2015 (Hiż 2015, 21–29) along with a biographical section (Chybińska 2015, 29–33) which both constitute a coherent publication. The article has raised the following issues: (1) the lack of justification of the basis of translation, i.e. the primacy of the manuscript over the printed version, that is the last one controlled by the author; (2) inconsistency with regard to termination of translation; (3) unauthorized introduction of a Polish neologism “dylematyczny” derived from the (non-existent) English lexical unit “dylemmatic” (Sic!); (4) proposal of the notation of Peirce's law: (p, q, r ) (Sic!).

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Robert Boroch
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This article focuses on the problems of jurisdiction in cross-border civil proceedings concerning an alleged violation of personality rights. There are no specific rules on jurisdiction for such torts in European Union law. In the current case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), Art. 7(2) of the Brussels I bis Regulation is applicable to such disputes. Nevertheless, the authors argue that the CJEU has misinterpreted this article when the claim is based on violation of personality rights, and has thus created a legal chaos in such disputes. The authors analyse the peculiarities of Internet infringements and the locus delicti connecting factor in the case law of the CJEU in this area. The Court has adopted the criterion of ‘centre of interests’ as the major connecting factor to establish international jurisdiction. The authors criticize this approach and argue that it has led to a structural misunderstanding of the infringement of personality rights. Finally, the authors propose a new rule on jurisdiction in cases concerning violation of personality rights, which should be established in the Brussels I bis Regulation to ensure legal certainty and proper international dispute settlement.
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Marek Świerczyński
Remigijus Jokubauskas

  1. Professor, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (Warsaw)
  2. Associate Professor, Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius)
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The present Gdansk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences is the second oldest, unbrokenly operating, publicly available library in today’s Poland. Even on the European scale there are only a few libraries that are of similar age or older. There are many works on the history of the Gdansk Library and its growing collection of books through the centuries. Apart from a brief look at history, this particular article focuses, however, on one other aspect – loans of special collections for exhibitions organized outside the Library by external institutions – the so-called “loan service”. Such modern transformation of an old institution indicates the power of the library and its custodians not only to engage in cultural preservation, but also fostering culture. We should see the special collections loan service in the same light – as reaching out to the public instead of waiting for the public to reach the library. This fact alone indicates a growing shift in the understanding of the library as a service provider. For the purposes of this article, the Gdansk Library has subjectively selected five of the most important and interesting examples of external exhibitions that have used its “special collections loan service” between 2011 and 2020.

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Wanda Pętlicka
Zofia Tylewska-Ostrowska
Anna Walczak
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The purpose of the paper is to present difficulties lying ahead of translators of literary works in which specialized terminology is used. The authors have chosen as their research material one of the most well-known Polish alexandrines titled Pan Tadeusz czyli ostatni zajazd na Litwie. Historia szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812, we dwunastu księgach, wierszem [“Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania: A Tale of the Gentry in the Years 1811–1812, in Twelve Books of Verse”] and its translations into English and Korean. As the main purpose was to analyze the translation of hunting terminology into Korean, the authors have chosen an English translation rendered approximately at the same time as the Korean one. Therefore, the English language version has been used instrumentally. The research material has been limited to one plot only, that is to say the trials and tribulations of one of the heroines, whose name is Telimena and her chase for a husband. The main research method is the comparison of parallel texts. Apart from that, the authors have also resorted to techniques of providing equivalents and classifications of translation errors and mistakes. The findings prove that proper rendering of culture-bound terminology is very difficult and consultations with specialists are frequently necessary to achieve high quality translation products.
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Aleksandra Matulewska
Kyong Geun Oh

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
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This article aims to draw attention to the situation of neurodivergent students in translation classes at universities. Teachers aware of their students' neurological problems have the opportunity to adjust the content and teaching strategies. What distinguishes neuroatypical from neurotypical students in translation classes comes down to the presence of specific academic difficulties and the need to provide support during classes and in adapting exams.
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Agnieszka Błaszczak

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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This work aims to present pandemic Italian, i.e. the variety used during the COVID-19 pandemic. By analyzing its features, primarily lexical, but also morphological and morphosyntactic, as well as the semantic contour that characterises them, I will show that pandemic Italian can be regarded as a transversal variety in the Italian linguistic repertoire.
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Giacomo Elia

  1. Università degli Studi di Sassari
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According to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Polish Central Statistical Office the number of students systematically decreases since 2015. This demographic change was a reason to examine students motivation for undertaking their studies in order to improve educational program and to encourage students to peruse higher education. By approaching the subject of “Motivations for Undertaking Special Education Studies in The Opinion of Students at Pedagogical University of Cracow”, the answers were sought to the three following questions: What were the main reasons for choosing studies at Pedagogical University of Cracow? What motivators played a key role for students while selecting field of studies? What student’s personality traits did mainly influence their choice? Research material was collected basing on a self-designed questionnaire. The group of first-year 54 students year were tested, in which 39% didn’t know which specialization they would choose after a one year. The article’s conclusions present key factors motivating students for undertaking Special Education Studies and explain how personality traits influenced their choice.

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Anna Gagat-Matuła
Natalia Malik
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The article discusses the use of metaphors in the terminology of astronomy and astrophysics. The terminology of these fields is relatively stable, characterized by terminological diversity, thus allowing to draw sufficiently general conclusions. Three cases are to be considered: (a) first, the metaphor as a powerful source of terms, assuming the denominative function, (b) the terminological metaphor which leaves a certain domain and which penetrates into the general language, which is sometimes called determinologization, and, (c) finally, the terminological metaphor migrating from one specialized domain to other terminologies in which it is newly used to denote another concept, this phenomenon sometimes being referred to as transterminologization. The three processes are analysed and documented, using French and Czech examples, excerpted from specialised texts (encyclopaedic dictionary and newspaper articles).
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Jan Holeš
Zuzana Honová

  1. Faculté des lettres Université d'Ostrava, République tchèque
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A navigation complex of an unmanned flight vehicle of small class is considered. Increasing the accuracy of navigation definitions is done with the help of a nonlinear Kalman filter in the implementation of the algorithm on board an aircraft in the face of severe limitations on the performance of the special calculator. The accuracy of the assessment depends on the available reliable information on the model of the process under study, which has a high degree of uncertainty. To carry out high-precision correction of the navigation complex, an adaptive non-linear Kalman filter with parametric identification was developed. The model of errors of the inertial navigation system is considered in the navigation complex, which is used in the algorithmic support. The procedure for identifying the parameters of a non-linear model represented by the SDC method in a scalar form is used. The developed adaptive non-linear Kalman filter is compact and easy to implement on board an aircraft.

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Maria S. Selezneva
Konstantin A. Neusypin
Andrey V. Proletarsky
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The use of old building design codes and improper execution of recent seismic design practices have caused large amount of substandard and vulnerable reinforced concrete RC building stock majority of which are built with weak beam-column joint connections defect (i.e. joint panel having no transverse reinforcement and built in low strength concrete). In order to understand the seismic response and damage behaviour of recent special moment resisting frame SMRF structures with the defect of weak beam-column joints, shake table tests have been performed on two 1:3 reduced scaled, two story RC frame models. The representative reference code design and weak beam-column joint frame models were subjected to uni-directional dynamic excitations of increasing intensities using the natural record of 1994 Northridge Earthquake. The input scaled excitations were applied from 5% to 130% of the maximum input peak ground acceleration record, to deformed the test models from elastic to inelastic stage and then to fully plastic incipient collapse stage. The weak beam-column frame experienced column flexure cracking, longitudinal bar-slip in beam members and observed with cover concrete spalling and severe damageability of the joint panels upon subjected to multiple dynamic excitations. The deficient frame was only able to resist 40% of the maximum acceleration input as compared to the code design frame which was able to resist about 130%. The seismic performance of considered RC frames was evaluated in terms of seismic response parameters (seismic response modification, overstrength and displacement ductility factors), for critical comparison.

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Muhammad Rizwan
Naveed Ahmad Akhtar
Naeem Khan
Muhammad Fahad
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The control of structural vibrations due to ground motion can be done by the installation of a passive, active, and hybrid base isolation system. The primary function of the base isolator is to support the superstructure and provide huge horizontal flexibility and a long period of vibration. In this paper, a special HRDB base isolator is made from natural rubber with special elastic property and hardness. This base isolator is designed to support gravity loads of two-story RC building. The experimental hysteresis loop of this isolator is validated with analytical modeling hysteresis loop using Hysteresis program. The Bouc hysteresis rule was chosen as a model the hysteresis loop, and it is similar to experimental hysteresis loops. Later, a single bay two-story RC frame with a base isolation system was modeled using Ruaumoko 2D program subjected to three levels of earthquake excitations. After analyzing this frame under the 1994 Pacoima Dam Earthquake, the 1995 Kobe Earthquake and the 1940 El-Centro 1940 Earthquake. The numerical results show that this isolator is quite efficient in reducing the damage of structural and non-structural elements of the structure through minimizing inter-story drift, lateral displacement, and story acceleration. Therefore, this special HRDB based isolator is recommended to be used for low rise and medium-rise building in seismic regions.

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Amir Mohammad Alizada
Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid
Pattrick Tiong Liq Yee

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