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What is focused on in the undertaken study are teachers from schools educating in the Polish language in the Czech Republic. The author refers to the studies conducted in 2014–2016 and in 2017 among teachers from schools for the Polish national minority located in Zaolzie. These schools effectively compete with schools for the Czech majority. Among other things, they have survived owing to teachers and their decisive strategies, which involve not only strictly competitive but also various forms of collaborative behaviour.

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Alina Szczurek-Boruta
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Ceny ropy naftowej od drugiej połowy 2014 do końca 2017 roku charakteryzowały duża zmienność z dominacją trendów spadkowych. Przyczyną takiego stanu były decyzje podejmowane przez kartel OPEC i innych czołowych producentów o ograniczeniu wydobycia tego surowca. Znaczne fluktuacje cen ropy są jednym z podstawowych rodzajów ryzyka rynkowego, z którym zmagać musi się przede wszystkim sektor rafineryjny, jednak jego konsekwencje widoczne są także w innych obszarach działalności gospodarczej. Autorzy artykułu stawiają hipotezę, zgodnie z którą skuteczną formą zabezpieczenia się przed znacznymi wahaniami cen ropy naftowej jest wykorzystywanie strategii opcyjnych long guts i long straddle. W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na to, że powodzenie takiego rozwiązania nie wymaga od podmiotu zabezpieczającego, aby ten potrafił przewidywać kierunek zmian ceny ropy. Ze względu na specyficzną konstrukcję tych strategii, dają one bowiem szansę na osiągnięcie pozytywnych rezultatów zarówno przy znacznych spadkach, jak i znacznych wzrostach wartości surowca. Analiza skuteczności stosowanych strategii objęła okres od 23 czerwca 2014 do 14 grudnia 2017 roku. W obliczeniach wykorzystano dane pochodzące z giełdy NYMEX – jednej z największych giełd surowcowo- -energetycznych na świecie. W konstrukcji strategii użyto miesięcznych, europejskich opcji kupna i sprzedaży z różnymi cenami wykonania. Przy ich wycenie posłużono się modelem Fishera Blacka. Oprócz opcji ATM wykorzystano także opcje, w których cena realizacji była o 5, 10 bądź 15% wyższa lub niższa od ceny ropy z dnia zawierania umowy. Siedem opcji pozwoliło na otrzymanie w każdym z analizowanych miesięcy 7 wariantów strategii long straddle i 21 wariantów strategii long guts. Wyniki osiągnięte w każdej z nich podzielono na trzy kategorie, które zostały wyznaczone przez poziom zmian ceny ropy w okresie aktywności zabezpieczenia. W każdej z kategorii obliczono średnie arytmetyczne wyników uzyskanych w poszczególnych wariantach strategii. Tak zestawione rezultaty pozwoliły na porównanie skuteczności stosowanych zabezpieczeń i znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, który z wariantów powinien być stosowany w warunkach wysokiej zmienności cen ropy naftowej. Jak wynika z zaprezentowanych obliczeń, najlepsze wyniki można było osiągnąć w przypadku wykorzystania strategii long straddle i long guts, w konstrukcji których posłużono się opcjami ATM bądź opcjami o wyższych cenach wykonania (ATM+5% i ATM+10%). Strategie te dały również lepsze rezultaty w porównaniu do zabezpieczeń, które polegały na zajęciu długiej pozycji w pojedynczych opcjach kupna bądź sprzedaży.
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Bartosz Łamasz
Natalia Iwaszczuk
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The study consists of three parts. The first comprises the characteristic features of social politics strategy. They include the basic assumptions and functions of the social politics strategy in the field of the development of education and aid activities at the level of local units of territorial authorities. The essence of the study is the second part. It consists of the own research results – an analysis of the aims and tasks associated with inclusive education (also with preparing local communities for creating inclusive culture), comprised in strategies. The whole is completed with final conclusions. The study is aimed at the qualitative analysis of the development strategy of 17 communes (3900 pages of documents) as regards the issues of disability. The research interest was to find out whether the slogans promoting the equal access to education, elimination of barriers and preparing mainstream schools and local community for inclusive culture had been reflected in any way in the social politics strategies of local authorities – in the documents which, at least in the assumptions, constitute the starting point for generating good practices, also in the field of social support and education for disabled learners.

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Zenon Gajdzica
Sebastian Mrózek
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Sufficient national fossil resources and an independent water supply system are indispensable elements of the security structure of any state. Energy independence, as a factor in determining self -sufficiency, is now a basic requirement for countries or regions wishing to develop independently and freely. The purpose of this research is to identify the specifics of the European energy strategy in the Central Asian region by considering the basic areas of cooperation between the parties in this sector of the economy. This research paper has been prepared primarily using the following methods: historical, statistical, prognostic, synthesis, comparison and system analysis methods. The research delves into the intricate dynamics of foreign policy activities of European Union members concerning energy resources, particularly in a historical context. Analyzing the collaboration between Brussels and Central Asian nations, both positive and adverse facets of this alliance in the energy domain have been pinpointed. Special attention is paid to the relationship between the European Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan, emphasizing its role within the broader security framework of the region and the continent. The study offers practical recommendations for enhancing state energy strategies and fostering productive bilateral and multilateral energy partnerships.
The results and conclusions of the presented work can be used as a foundation for the development of practical recommendations to establish and improve the energy strategies of the states, and for planning bilateral and multilateral mutually beneficial cooperation in the energy sector.
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Zhansaule Zharmakhanova
Saniya Nurdavletova
Ainur Issayeva
Gulsum Kenzhalina
Altynay Zhurasova

  1. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan
  2. Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, Kazakhstan
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The small scale green areas, urban parks, urban forests or natural green areas are vital components of the urban structure of cities. This paper, using examples from Bratislava, analyzes the successful and lost opportunities to apply the concept of green space as a strategy for urban regeneration and development, and discusses the ways to incorporate this concept in the teaching and educational practices in the fields of urbanism and landscape architecture.

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Katarína Kristiánová
Ľubica Vitková
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The problem of deposit protection and the process of liquidation of mining plants does not find effective solutions in the national law. Nevertheless, this is a very up-to-date issue. This situation prompted the authors of the article to once again analyze these issues. The number of abandoned exploitation sites which were published in the Polish Geological Institute reports should affect the entire licensing system and the state’s raw material policy. As a good host of raw materials, which we have been given by Earth Mother, we cannot allow that the mining licensing system, the liquidation procedures of mining plants without due diligence, result in the lack of protection of these deposits. The rational raw material economy and the ability to exploit it for the future generations, while failing to effectively enforce the site liquidation process makes it necessary to take actions leading to not blocking the mineral deposits in this way. The analysis shows what appropriate actions should be taken. The authors have thoroughly investigated the legal regulations over the past century, compiling them with the current legislation, and pointing out the weaknesses of the system in the field of deposits protection, particularly in the part of the unexploited deposits. Criticism covered both the statutory regulations – Geological and mining law as well as executive acts in the field of deposit protection. A separate analysis was subjected to the procedure of liquidation of the mining plants in the aspect of deposits protection, for mining plants operating on the basis of the Province Marshal’s licenses. The process presented in the flowchart layout clearly shows the weak points of the currently operating system.

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Miranda Ptak
Zbigniew Kasztelewicz
Mateusz Sikora
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The research of development capabilities is a fundamental of strategic issues, which has to be taken into consideration by coal mines. This is particularly difficult in the current environment, which is determined by its crisis situation. In such conditions, it is necessary to take difficult decisions, and serious, strategic challenges into account, which allow for the crisis to be overcome, for the renewal and economic effectiveness of the operation of these coal mines, which have potential to grow, and closing the coal mines, which have not potential to grow. Due to the effects of such decisions, which concern not only coal mines but also the Silesian region, it is essential to prepare information to support them and promote rational choices. This is related to the issue of research for development possibilities. The article presents considerations related to the subject of research for development possibilities of coal mines in a crisis situation. Taking the results of literature study into account, the model of research process was developed, and identified the research issues concerning the following:

- the identification of external factors which determine the possibility of development of the Polish mines and drawing a schedule of their changes in the future,

- the identification of internal factors which determine the possibility of development of the Polish mines,

- developing a way for the assessment of the development potential of the coal mines, to show appropriate strategic options and action programmes for these options,

- determining possible strategic options and corresponding schedules, appropriate for the specific nature of the mines.

The proposition of their solutions, which were obtained in the process of using the specific methods and research tools, allowed the guidelines in terms of research of development capabilities of coal mines to be presented.

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Jolanta Bijańska
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The text discusses the problems of sensory processing disorders (SPD) and their impact on difficulties children have at school. Individual categories of sensory processing disorders were characterized and examples of behavior of children who may have those problems were described. Certain strategies which teachers can use when working with a child with SI disorders were also offered.

It should be noted that the early diagnosis of symptoms that may indicate the occurrence of sensory processing disorders, followed by apt diagnosis and therapy allow children to function properly in the school environment and positively influence their self-esteem. This in turn facilitates the process of learning and contributes future success.

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Barbara Cygan
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In its history, Poland was usually more oriented to land than to the sea. For many centuries we have not been able to see the opportunities and potential created by the coastal location of our country. In the current strategic documents in Poland, there are also no proper references to the maritime security of the state, although we are a member of both NATO and the European Union. The article presents the creation process in 2015–2017 and the content of a unique document devoted to this issue: Poland’s Strategic Concept for Maritime Security, which was born thanks to the efforts of “enthusiasts” of maritime affairs from the Naval Academy, Shipbuilding Council and the Institute of General Józef Haller under the leadership of the National Security Bureau. In the authors opinion, the document is to form the basis for work on the future maritime security strategy of our country, and also become the “engine” of public discussion in Poland on maritime security issues and the effective use of the coastal position of the state for economic development.

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Andrzej Makowski
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Mineral markets, in spite of many common features with other goods markets, are distinctive. Their functioning sometimes deviates from the rules of the free market. This feature results from the specificity of acquiring the good being an object of trade. In general, changes in the supply of strategic raw materials are indicated earlier (characterized by a lengthy investment cycle from deposit reconnaissance to mining development), develop slowly, andare inelastic. Demand for common mineral raw materials often has a clear and economic character. However, mineral markets as well as markets of other goods have a common feature - the fact that both are a place where an incessant game is being played. In general, two types of strategic behaviours are distinguished: competition or cooperation. This paper recalls an existing model known as the oil market game. Based on a three-entity market of aggregate producers, an attempt has been made to model entrepreneurs' behaviour. The analysis applies n-person game theory. Game theory enables the evaluation of diverse potential coalitions forming. Possible strategies of activity coming from the prospect of cooperation (or its omission) are presented. Expected payoffs are estimated for possible alliances. Proposals for the division of the payoffs among the participants forming the coalition are also suggested.

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Mariusz Krzak
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The model concept, as presented in this paper, is an original solution created by the author, and can be used as a proposal to build an innovative mechanism to increase the effectiveness of programming and implementation of the development policy, and improve the quality of functioning of a building research institute. The development management system included in this model is a set of actions targeting at the effective use of human and tangible resources, undertaken in a coordinated manner and leading to the achievement of previously established objectives. The market activity of building research institutes is directly or indirectly involved in construction projects, which translates into market mechanisms, such as innovation and competitiveness. In addition, it indicates the participation of a building research institute in the engineering of construction projects as a key to entrepreneurship and implementations.

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Marcin M. Kruk
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Jednym z większych wyzwań, przed jakimi stoi polskie leśnictwo, jest opracowanie nowych strategii hodowli lasów w obliczu postępujących zmian klimatu.

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Andrzej Lewandowski
Daniel J. Chmura
Błażej Wójkiewicz
Weronika B. Żukowska
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Dialogue in the Classroom: Teaching Strategies and Their Reception by Students – The paper aims to explore Student Voice research within the academic context in terms of theoretical assumptions and a practical approach to its application in the classroom. In the first part, we focus on three main themes which build the explanatory framework: (1) Italian language teaching at Polish universities, (2) the current teaching methodology implemented in the classroom, and (3) Student Voice as a tool to better plan teaching activities. In the second part, we present the findings of a survey conducted among students learning Italian at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics, and we analyze their value for the teaching and learning process.

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Marta Kaliska
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There are many ways of choosing or creating a name, the ways of which vary from culture to culture, and from language to language. Chinese onyms are usually constructed of one or more elements, being mostly lexical items (morphemes or words), and retaining in most cases their own lexical meaning in a name, therefore they are usually semantically transparent. However, the “true” significance of some names is sometimes very difficult to discover, and the conclusion is often based upon guesswork. What is evident, Chinese onyms are not random combinations; they usually have a certain underlying significance, reflecting the reason or reasons why particular lexical items are used in the naming process. Chinese researchers usually do not mention “the meaning” of names as a criterion for their semantic divisions. Their classifications are mainly based upon the variously termed “reasons”, “methods”, “motivations”, or “sources of naming”. Therefore, this paper deals with some selected, typical and untypical, “methods” of creating Chinese names, especially given names and place names.

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Irena Kałużyńska
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The article provides the external indications (both international and domestic) showing how important creating an appropriate mineral policy of the country is, especially in the context of mineral security. The current mandatory legal regulations referring to mineral policy and mineral security of the country were presented and discussed against this background, starting with provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, through the Strategy for Sustainable Development, Spatial Management Concept of the Country 2030 together with Action Plan, Strategy for Energy Security and Environment – 2020 perspective, Geological and Mining Law and other legal acts and implementing provisions, Action Plan “Raw Materials for the Industry” announced by the Minister of Development, the Concept for Mineral Policy presented by the Government Plenipotentiary for the Mineral Policy, and finally – project of the Urban and Building Code in the area of spatial development. In the case of documents being in the course of the proceedings, the current state of working on them is presented, also in the context of particular projected legal solutions for future regulations. The author indicates and justifies the need of accelerating the work and taking actions to prevent the currently appearing phenomena that may impede the execution of the raw materials policy and the protection of key raw materials in the future.

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Jan A. Stefanowicz
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The environment is the greatest good for the people. Everyone wants to breath air of the best possible quality, whether living in the city center of a metropolis or in a rural area. Air polluted with very fine particles contribute to the negative effect on people’s health and the whole environment. A significant part of air dust pollution comes from the so-called low emissions sources which include: non-standard furnaces, fireplaces, low-efficiency outdated boilers and local heat sources. Since the beginning of Polish Mining Group’s existence, the company actively participates and supports many activities, the aim of which is to improve the air quality by producing and supplying high quality coal for the residential sector. The company has undertaken pro-ecological activities towards creating a new, pro-ecological strategy as well as product offer. The production of an ecological coal assortment is systematically developing but new coal products are also being launched on the market. One of the company’s priorities is the production of thermal coal for the residential sector. Many organizational and technological changes have been made In that area (e.g. the establishmsnt of the Eco-Fuels Production Plant) to ensure a suitable level of production of the highest quality thermal coal.

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Tomasz Rogala
Adam Hochuł
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W artykule przedstawiono w ogólnym zarysie problematykę wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł energii w gospodarce litewskiej. Na podstawie literatury przedmiotu oraz dokumentów źródłowych opisano istotne czynniki wpływające na rozwój tych źródeł energii, które też uległy zmianie po przystąpieniu Litwy do Unii Europejskiej. Z tego względu w artykule przedstawiono analizę polityki energetycznej Litwy wraz ze strategią energetyczną tego państwa do 2020 roku. W badaniu wskazano na uwarunkowania wewnętrzne wynikające między innymi ze struktury gospodarki oraz posiadanych zasobów surowców energetycznych, wyszczególniając źródła energii odnawialnej (energia wodna, słoneczna, wiatrowa, biomasa). Bilans energetyczny został poddany szczegółowej analizie, ponieważ jest podstawowym narzędziem określającym udział energii odnawialnej w bilansie paliwowo-energetycznym Litwy. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwala na sformułowanie wniosków podsumowujących artykuł.
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Renata Magor
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This paper presents contemporary tendencies in the shaping of public spaces and urban green areas in Budapest. It is a review of built designs of plazas, boulevards and city squares that have been completed in the span of the last few years and which implement contemporary trends in landscape architecture and city design. All of the presented sites are located in the historical city centre, entering into direct and often controversial relations with the historical built environment and monuments. The presented structures are distinguished by modern forms and aesthetics as well as a high quality of design solutions. They have been shaped with the use of modern, ahistoric materials and technologies, with creative plant and water arrangements. They create attractive recreation and contemplation spaces surrounded by greenery, conducive to social integration, and at the same time exposing monuments and bringing them closer to contemporary recipients.
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Izabela Sykta
Michał Grzybowski

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture
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The purpose of the paper is to examine the discursive strategies of persuasion exploring the rhetorical

argument from community combined with linguistic politeness. Based on eighty reviews of two French

comedies, the author shows how the persuasive strategies reflect some methods used in advertising

discourse, especially with regard to the rhetoric principle of movere and delectare and indirect means

of interpretation, activated in discourse by the use of quantity and quality.

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Dominika Topa-Bryniarska
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W artykule analizuję strategię reformy nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego, ministra Jarosława Gowina oraz trzy koncepcje założeń do ustawy „Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym”, wyłonione w konkursie. Staram się, podobnie jak Obywatele Nauki, rozważyć zalety proponowanych rozwiązań, a także duże zagrożenia jakie się z nimi wiążą. Swoje uwagi opieram między innymi na badaniach skutków amerykańskiej reformy szkolnictwa wyższego.
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Eugenia Potulicka
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This article presents a reappraisal of the concept of the 1890–1918 literary period from the perspective of sociology of literature, and in particular Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of literary field ( le champ littéraire), set out in his Les règles de l’art (1992). It goes without saying that the turn of the 19th century saw the emergence of a modernist movement, or, an autonomous literary field, dedicated to ‘pure’ art and literature, divorced from any social obligations. Within the Bourdieuesque perspective the dynamics of the literary field can be examined from a number of perspectives with the aim of assessing the success or failure of its strategies of consecration (i.e. the building of legitimacy and prestige), the habitus of its key figures, or its role as a space of mediation between external forces ( les logiques externs) and the autonomy of literary production. The ultimate aim of conducting all those probes is to validate the claim that the 1890–1910 modernist literary field was indeed autonomous. In fact, its emergence in Poland bore a marked resemblance to the developments in mid-19th century French literature, as described by Bourdieu. The peculiar character of the Polish literary field resulted mainly from the one external factor, Poland’s political status until the declaration of independence in 1918.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

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