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The relation between law and justice is the main subject of this paper. The distinction of ius (just, right law) and lex (statutory law) is fundamental for the Western Civilization. The paper presents the genesis of this distinction and its further development, related terminology as well as legal‑philosophical doctrines, particularly, natural law theory and legal positivism. The so‑called Radbruch’s formula is discussed (law unjust to the highest degree is not law), and further on, the so‑called renaissance of natural law and proposals to secure a harmony between law and justice are examined by reference to the views formulated by L.L. Fuller, H.L.A. Hart and J. Rawls.
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Dziubiński M. (2004), Sentencje łacińskie, Wrocław: Astrum.
Fuller L.L. (1972), The Morality of Law, New Haven: Yale University Press; wyd. pol.: Moralność prawa, Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1978.
Hart H.L.A. (1961), The Concept of Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press; wyd. pol.: Pojęcie prawa, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1998.
Hart H.L.A. (1983), Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy, Oxford: Clarendon Press; wyd. pol.: Eseje z filozofii prawa, Warszawa: Dom Wydawniczy ABC, 2001.
Hervada J. (1996), Historia de la Ciencia del Derecho Natural, Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra; wyd. pol.: Historia prawa naturalnego, Kraków: Petrus, 2013.
Hołówka J., Dziobkowski B. (red.) (2020), Filozofia prawa. Normy i fakty, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Johnston D. (2011), A Brief History of Justice, Oxford: Wiley‑Blackwell.
Kelly J.M. (1992), A Short History of Western Legal Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press; wyd. pol.: Historia zachodniej teorii prawa, Kraków: WAM, 2006.
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Mrożek S. (1973), Utwory sceniczne, t. I, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Pattaro E., Roversi C. (red.) (2007–2016), A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, vol. 1: E. Pattaro, The Law and the Right; vol. 2: H. Rottleuthner, Foundations of Law; vol. 3: R.A. Shiner, Legal Institutions and the Sources of Law, vol. 4: A. Peczenik, Scienta Juris, Legal Doctrine as Knowledge of Law and as a Source of Law; vol. 5: G. Sartor, Legal Reasoning, A Cognitive Approach to the Law; vol. 6: F.D. Miller, Jr., C.‑A. Biondi (red.), A History of the Philosophy of Law from the Ancient Greeks to the Scholastics; vol. 7: M. Lobban, A. Padovani, P.G. Stein (red.), The Jurists’ Philosophy of Law from Rome to the Seventeenth Century; vol. 8: M. Lobban, A History of the Philosophy of Law in The Common Law World, 1600–1900; vol. 9: D. Canale, P. Grossi, H. Hofmann, P. Riley (red.), A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Civil Law World, 1600‑1900; vol. 10: P. Riley, The Philosophers’ Philosophy of Law from the Seventeenth Century to Our Days; vol. 11: G.J. Postema, Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Common Law World; vol. 12: E. Pattaro, C. Roversi (red.), Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World, tome 1: Language Areas, tome 2: Main Orientations and Topics, Dordrecht: Springer.
Perelman Ch. (1945), De la justice, Bruxelles: Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles; wyd. pol.: O sprawiedliwości, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1959.
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Rawls J. (1971), A Theory of Justice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; wyd. pol.: Teoria sprawiedliwości, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009.
Snarski T. (2018), Debata Hart‑Fuller i jej znaczenie dla filozofii prawa, Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego.
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Woleński J. (2020), Pozytywizm prawniczy a prawo natury, w: J. Hołówka, B. Dziobkowski (red.), Filozofia prawa. Normy i fakty, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, s. 435–447.
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Ziembiński Z. (1992), O pojmowaniu sprawiedliwości, Lublin: Daimonion
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Jan Woleński

  1. Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania, Katedra Nauk Społecznych, ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35‑225 Rzeszów
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Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie koncepcji tzw. niestandardowej metafilozofii do badania zawartości „przestrzeni antropologii filozoficznych”. Pokazuje, jak wychodząc od stosunkowo prostej koncepcji, jaką jest interpretacja humanistyczna, można wygenerować dość obszerną klasę antropologii filozoficznych.
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Waldemar Czajkowski
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In his A Theory of Justice John Rawls presents a critique of utilitarianism. He focuses on utilitarianism in the version offered by John Stuart Mill, but Rawls’s analysis of Mill’s views is schematic and limited to Mill’s ethical theory. Rawls does not recognize the importance of perfectionistic themes in Mill’s theory, nor does he note the consequences of that issue for the problem of gender equality. Rawls discuses those themes in his Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy. If one is primarily guided by Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, however, the person will be unable to appreciate similarities between Rawls’s and Mill’s positions. When focusing on the Lectures it is possible to recognize these affinities that are only dimly insinuated in A Theory of Justice. In the later volume they are strong enough to support the claim that a more pronounced affinity may bind these two authors that are not obvious at the first glance. I proceed therefore (1) to expose some shortcomings in the presentation of Mill’s utilitarianism by Rawls; (2) go on to analyse Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy in order to present a more penetrating reading of Mill’s utilitarianism by including its perfectionistic content; and (3) finally on the basis of those claims I point to some practical consequences of Mill’s and Rawls’s views on gender equality.
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Barker Ch. (2015), JS Mill on Nineteenth Century Marriage and the Common Law, „Law, Culture, and Humanities” 15 (1), s. 1–21.
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Tong R.P. (2002), Myśl feministyczna. Wprowadzenie, przeł. J. Mikos, B. Umińska, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
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Elżbieta Filipow

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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The ethics of ‘theistic absolute morality’ (TAM), as any other ethical theory, must offer a definition of good, describe the connection between good and duty, and provide an effective guidance to human conduct. In the ethics of TAM we find, in my rendering of its claims, an irremediably unsuccessful definition of good, permanently loose connection between moral value and moral duty, and irreparably limited practical efficacy. It is not surprising that it has to be so, as it is a common condition of all ethical systems. The TAM ethics suffers, however, additionally from a unique conceptual trouble, but that is a story I have told elsewhere.

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Bohdan Chwedeńczuk
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The article contains preliminary considerations on the principles of the standardization of geographical names in Poland, in particular the names of physiographic objects. The notion of a country’s language policy has been referred to as one of its tools is the standardization of geographical names. The general objectives of the Polish language policy were listed as such: the assertion of legal status of the Polish language as the first language in Poland; the assertion of conditions for the development of national and ethnic minority languages in the country; the construction of a Polish- language national and state community. Legal acts concerning Polish language and geographical nomenclature were indicated. It was stated that the assumed effect of political and linguistic actions should be to develop a nomenclature in correct Polish, one which is pragmatically effective, rooted in tradition and, as a result of this study, one should expect to achieve an optimal course of the language communication process in each communicative community. Then, the criteria of the linguistic correctness of geographical names applied to date were discussed and similarities indicated in the standardization procedure with regards to geonyms and specialist terms. The rules of the detailed standardization procedure will be presented in the second part of the article

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Ewa Wolnicz-Pawłowska
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This paper aims at presenting a transcendental argument, so termed and constructed by John Rawls, as a justification of his theory of ‘justice as fairness’. The crucial stage in the chain of his reasoning is to establish the necessary condition of the political arrangement of the basic structure of society. This condition turns out to be acceptability of the publicly endorsed principles in the original position. However, the procedure of exercising free choice, as described by Rawls, presupposes a philosophical view of human nature, and consequently undermines the presumably purely theoretical basis for the principles of justice. The author discusses the impact of Kantian moral philosophy on Rawls’s theory of justification. He tries to show that the rejection of moral theory in favour of political philosophy was the result of a profound change in Rawls’s attitude to the idea of transcendentalism, as it is evidenced by his later thought.
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Stanisław Jędrczak

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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The article discusses Rawls’s idea of the original position. I present two arguments in support of the claim that it is impossible to meet the necessary conditions (proposed by Rawls) for recreating the reasoning that presumably is performed in the original position. I claim therefore that the idea of the original position cannot fulfil its function of justifying the principles of justice. As the solution to the problem I propose a modified version of the original position argument, which can be labeled ‘a slightly lifted veil of ignorance’.
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Artur Szutta

  1. Uniwersytet Gdański, ul. J. Bażyńskiego 4, 80‑309 Gdańsk
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The term “cause” is ubiquitous in life and science. It is surprising how, generally speaking, the existing all-purpose dictionaries, and even «professional» ones, are clumsy in their attempts to define “cause” and its derivative terms. We urgently need a more satisfactory definition of these words, along the following lines: an acting of object x on object y is the cause of the change in object y, when at the same time object x acts on object y, object y changes, and if something of the type of object x acts on an object of the type of object y, then object y changes. When expanding the proposed definition, I consider, among others: (a) traditional counterarguments aimed at the existence of cause-effect relation, (b) the question of necessity as a component of the notion of causality, (c) the notion of acting on something and the circumstances of its occurrence, (d) the essence of change, and (e) the causality principle. In addition, I sketch the relation of the reconstructed notion of causality to the notions of motivation, perpetration, and the act of creation (in arts and in Catholicism).

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Jacek Jadacki
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This contribution points out the most important aspects to consider in the ethical (in) acceptability of aesthetic operations. Starting from the value of the human body seen from a biblical perspective, it introduces the reader to the essential magisterial statements concerning aesthetic surgery, among which the speech of Pope Pius XII occupies a particular position. It also refers to ethical principles, especially the principle of double effect and totality, and outlines the basic argumentative positions of selected bioethics committees. There is also a brief introduction to the positions of several contemporary bioethicists. In conclusion, the author presents his point of view and briefly explains what the patient should take into account and what the aesthetic surgeon should look for to avoid ethically wrong actions
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Jan Polák

  1. Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
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For the Mariology of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI it is fundamental that the Mother of the Lord is not viewed in isolation, but is seen in the totality of the Christian faith. To the Marian texts of the New Testament he added the lines of the great feminine saviour figures of the Old Testament, which have drawn down the power of God by their faith and inspired salvific histories. In Mary these women are revisited, in her “Fiat” the people of Israel experience a concrete personification. Ratzinger traces Maria as a “church in the origin”, in her the church receives a personal centre with corresponding consequences. His Marian dogmatics is based on his own biblical theological approach, and especially gives the teachings of the recent church history its own well-comprehensible depth structure.

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Rainer Hangler
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Animal behaviour and its underlying causal factors are investigated by numerous behavioural sciences. Ethology, one of the most important classical behavioural sciences, is concerned with the description and quantification of behaviour and the analysis of a wide spectre of its causal factors. Ethology also lays stress on the importance of comparative behavioural research and field research. Specific behaviour paterns were considered by classical ethology as elements of hierarchically organised behavioural systems focused on specific functions. The notion of instinct was, however, far from unequivocal and is no more frequently used in behavioural sciences. We also know that information flow between the levels of organization existing in the nervous system and in living systems in general is multidirectional. The assumption that processes running on higher levels of organization can and should be explained solely in terms of processes running on lower levels becomes thus largely groundless. In behavioural sciences reductionism can manifest itself also as the so called law of parsimony adopted during explanations of observed phenomena (Occam’s razor, Lloyd Morgan’s canon). Since the introduction of Karl Popper’s falisifiability criterion to the methodology of scientific research, reductionistic explanations of observed phenomena are, however, less frequently proposed in behavioural sciences. Instead, an approach currently used involves experimental testing of sets of hypotheses proposing alternative explanations of the observed phenomena, not necessarily the simplest ones. Classical ethology was the so called objectivist science of behaviour: its adherents did not deny the existence of subjective phenomena in animals, however, explanations of mechanisms of investigated phenomena in terms of underlying subjective processes were not considered to be sufficient. Presently we may put forward increasingly daring hypotheses concerning subjective experiences of animals thanks to the development of advanced techniques of neuroimaging such as the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Behavioural sciences are constantly progressing and their methods become increasingly sophisticated. We can thus hope that philosophy and behavioural sciences will continue during a long time yet to contribute jointly to achieve new insights enriching our knowledge on factors influencing animal and human behaviour.

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Ewa Joanna Godzińska
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This article discusses two successive confederations established by the clients and employees of Janusz Ostrogski. They functioned just after the death of their patron, mainly within the Ostrogski Fee Tail. The fi rst, founded in 1620, was concerned with the property claims of Ostrogski’s most trusted servants and clients during the settlement of his estate. The second exemplifi ed the political demands of the landed nobility whose domains fell within the Ostrogski Fee Tail. Both of these played an important role in shaping the legal and organisational framework for estates.
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Karol Łopatecki
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Celem artykułu jest omówienie i uzupełnienie (doprecyzowanie) teorii granic społecznych. Przedstawiam metodologiczne podstawy teorii oraz odnoszę się do badań terenowych prowadzonych przeze mnie w dwureligijnej społeczności lokalnej w zachodniej części Macedonii Północnej. Charakteryzuję główne pytania i siatkę pojęciową teorii, w tym kluczowe pojęcie granic społecznych oraz typy procesów podtrzymywania granic społecznych, takie jak wykluczenie, stygmatyzacja, konflikt, ograniczanie relacji. Streszczam kontrowersje związane z wyjaśnieniem społecznych uwarunkowań podtrzymywania granic społecznych, w tym kontekście analizuję krytycznie koncepcje Fredrika Bartha oraz Andreasa Wimmera. W dalszej części prezentuję proponowane przez siebie uzupełnienie teorii. Polega ono na doprecyzowaniu wyjaśnienia procesów podtrzymywania granic społecznych. Dowodzę, że podtrzymywanie granic społecznych przeciwdziała „społecznym precedensom”, czyli powtarzającym się naruszeniom specyficznych zasad generatywnych warunkujących odtwarzanie określonych form społecznych stosunków władzy. Na koniec wskazuję pytania i problemy, do jakich prowadzi przedstawiona tu propozycja teoretyczna.
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Marcin Lubaś

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The paper analyses and develops John Rawls’s defence of his theory of justice against the conservative objection that egalitarian conceptions of social justice are an expression of envy. The defence involves the following claims: (1) The content of the difference principle does not match an essential property of envy. (2) The parties in the original position are not motivated by envy. (3) None of the conditions imposed on the original position arise from envy. Next, it is argued that there are reasons to suppose that the parties in the original position would choose a more egalitarian principle of distributive justice than the difference principle. These reasons are grounded in the claim that self respect is the most important primary good and in the fact that the level of economic inequalities is negatively correlated with self respect among the least advantaged members of society. It is shown that even though the content of the more egalitarian principle matches the essential property of envy, the conservative objection remains unjustified.
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Adrian Kuźniar
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Although John Rawls’s theory is an extensive project of the state structure which also discusses the functions of various democratic institutions, the reader tends naturally to look for something more, namely his opinions about human nature and the psychological underpinnings that ultimately determine men’s and women’s responsibilities in a democratic community. The clues offered by A Theory of Justice are disappointingly scarce, as they tend to blur the distinction between the descriptive and the normative aspects of the problem. Rawls’s analysis of such categories as moral sensitivity, or human motives, or social obligations do not take into account the natural limitations that typically accompany the demands formulated by the just state. Or, to put the same complaint differently, Rawls’s opinions about human nature sound unduly optimistic, if compared, for instance, with Kant’s moral theory to which he makes frequent references.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Górnicka-Kalinowska

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00‑927 Warszawa
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My current considerations concern the way in which the category of animals is present in contemporary philosophy, especially if it occurs in the context of moral philosophy and the theory of cognition and mind. These are, I suppose, the areas of inquiry inspiring wide interest, even if we focus on the narrow question of the place of animals in the domains of morality, cognition, and consciousness. Although John Rawls himself approaches these issues with caution, and his interest in these types of problems is marginal, they deserve some philosophical attention. There is a close relationship between the belief that non‑personal living entities such as animals are capable of feeling pain and pleasure on the one hand, and the human sensitivity or social sentience, on the other. We should face the question of what kind of society we want to live in: effective or sensitive. Ethical utilitarianism is in favor of an effective society. It may seem that there is no place for social sensitivity in it, and consequently that public interest is postulated in its place instead. However, I believe that an effective society is more sensitive to the harm done to or the plight suffered by non‑personal subjects than a sensitive society, if the latter is understood as Rawls frames it. Thus, we come to a specific paradox – which I shall refer to as the blunted sentience paradox – that the utilitarian, efficient society criticized by Rawls is in fact more morally sensitive than the egalitarian society he postulates. The paradox of the blunted sentience has its source in Rawls’s egalitarianism, for this egalitarianism is offered only to the chosen. It does not extend to those members of society who extend their care to those creatures whom Rawls denies subjectivity, but whose unhappiness constitutes an important factor in the social life of humanity. I propose to look at the fate of animals in modern society, and if we do so, we will notice some flaws in Rawls’s theory of justice that can perhaps be amended by espousing some aspects of emotivism. This proposed approach avoids what I have called the blunted sentience paradox.
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Adriana Schetz

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Instytut Filozofii i Kognitywistyki, ul. Krakowska 71–79, 71-017 Szczecin
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This article discusses the main points in the Bertrand Russell and Frederick Copleston’s debate about the existence of God. Copleston defended the cosmological argument based on a sufficient reason and argued against radical contingency in explaining the origin of the world. During the debate, the understanding of necessity was discussed, whether the word ‘God’ is a proper name or a description, whether the universe as a whole can have a cause, and the arguments about the origin of the world formulated in modern physics. The whole debate is an excellent example of the difference between a theist and an atheist with regard to Leibnizian type of the cosmological argument.i
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Ryszard Mordarski

  1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Ogińskiego 16, 85-092 Bydgoszcz
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The aim of the paper is to present the theory of meaning formulated by Roman Ingarden in the Controversy over the Existence of the World, The Literary Work of Art, and in The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art. When this has been done here, I test Ingarden’s theory by applying it to selected problems of contemporary philosophy of language. These problems include the semantics of empty names, the controversy between Millianism and descriptivism over the nature of proper names, the problem of substitutability in intensional contexts, meaning holism, compositionality, and the boundary between semantics and pragmatics. My analysis of these problems within the framework of Ingarden’s theory and my presentation of their solutions as delivered by G. Frege, K. Ajdukiewicz, W.V. Quine and D. Davidson shed interesting light on this extremely complex and ‘fine‑grained’ theory based on Ingarden’s original ontology. Although Ingarden’s theory does not fall within the dominant current of language philosophy, it offers a solution to the problem of empty names, the relation of proper names to definite descriptions, and substitutability. The theory is not holistic nor does it blur the distinction between semantics and pragmatics. Unfortunately, Ingarden’s theory is not compositional and reifies meanings, which may be seen as a serious objection to it. Therefore, the assessment of this theory cannot be unequivocal.
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Janusz Maciaszek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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In the paper John Rawls’s account of desert that serves as a premise of the difference principle is questioned. According to Rawls no merits can be located in the self because they arise from random genetic and social factors. Consequently, an individual does not deserve any appreciation for the virtues that can be attributed to them. Against this view I argue, in the first place, that the asymmetry between distributive and retributive justice, as it is professed by Rawls, is not tenable. Next, I question Rawls’s radical separation of the self from its attributes. I argue that random factors are not the only source of the attributes of the self. A person, regardless of her endowment, is able intentionally to develop new meritorious qualities and even transform her character and thereby earn personal deserts. The latter, however, cannot be credited to the individual alone, for they arise from shared aspirations and communal social transactions. In conclusion a reconciliation between the difference principle and a version of desertism is proffered.
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Adam Grobler

  1. prof. em., Uniwersytet Opolski, Katedra Filozofii, ul. Katowicka 48, 45‑052 Opole
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Gaston Milhaud (1858–1918) was a French modern philosopher, who, having started from mathematics, came to philosophy (especially epistemology) and history of science. His works on the history of science were devoted to Greek science and modern science. Milhaud in his papers claimed that important concepts and principles of science (in different disciplines) result from decisions that simultaneously transcend both experience and logic. He emphasized the role of free creation and activity of the mind. The author discusses central problems of Milhaud’s thought, especially the problem of the relationship between science and philosophy.

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Ryszard Kleszcz
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The aim of the paper is to provide an answer to the following question: How to interpret the principle of acquaintance and what role does it play in Bertrand Russell’s epistemology? It seems that the principle itself should be so adjusted as to take into account two concepts: (1) an act of judgment as a multiple relation and (2) the division of reality into what is directly given (sense‑data) and physical objects. I show, contrary to Russell’s assurances, that the content and the role of the principle is not clear, and its acceptance leads to a paradox. Having discovered that consequence, Russell abandoned the dualistic division of reality and with the help of the method of logical constructions, sought a position that embraced phenomena
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Wiesław Heflik

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, ul Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków
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The article presents the person of Janusz Ballenstedt (1929–2005), a Cracow architect, whom twists of fate relocated to French circles. He was the designer of significant buildings in Poland, a man of great knowledge, skilful in his use of the pen. He transferred his thoughts regarding the all-encompassing viewing of architecture to paper. A valuable book, titled “Architecture – Theory and History” (PWN 2000) was written. The article is focused on J. Ballenstedt’s earlier unpublished work, a manifesto of the architect, titled Theory of Minimum in Architecture.
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Krzysztof J. Lenartowicz
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This paper presents the ‘precepts of perception’ of buildings observed in the space of the landscape that were described in one of the first Polish-language handbooks on architecture and construction published in Krakow in 1812 by Sebastian Alojzy Sierakowski (1743–1824)—a clergyman, architect and scientist, as well as a statesman holding important public positions during the turn of the nineteenth century in what was becoming historical Poland. Sierakowski’s principles of building perception—described in suggestive and colourful language—created a kind of original set of rules referring to optics, perspective and composition, that deserve careful analysis and re-reading in the present times of ongoing discourse on the condition of the Polish landscape and city planning system.
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Wojciech Oleński

  1. Miejska Pracownia Planowania Przestrzennego i Strategii Rozwoju w Warszawie

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